
All Warriors enter service with a basic training jutre of 118 troops split into a headquarters tre of 10 troops and three kutre of thirty six troops (three tre of ten and a headquarters of six).

Basic Training

Basic Training: Spear (b) (MA), Shield (b) (MA), Marching (b) (PF), and Pain Capacity (b) (PF).

Equipment: Gain 1 spear, 1 shield with unit colors, 1 uniform, 1 dress uniform.

The salary is 1 Bone Coin per day.

Time Cost: 6 weeks.

Cost: 4 HP for the first term, 3 HP per term after that.

Exits from basic training (must choose one): Move to a Dris Jutre, Docil Jutre, or Garrison Duty.

Borigonian Military Spear: This is the ability to thrust and parry with the military spear. 1.5 meter long wooden shaft with a spear head. This spear does heavy thrusting damage. Black steel spear heads add a +10 magical attack for damage.
Borigonian Military Shield: The ability to use a shield to parry attacks and to bash the enemy. This is a 1/2 meter diameter round shield. +1 to parry with shield. Black steel banded shields allow of a magical defense of 10.
Marching: The ability to participate in a military formation, and the ability to use a military formation as a weapon.
Pain Capacity: This is the ability to ignore the effects of pain.

Dris (Foot Soldiers)

Upon choosing dris (foot soldier) the character is assigned to one of three dris tre (1-3) within one of three dris kutre (1-3) within one of three dris jutre (A, B, or C) in one of three dris kujutre (I,II, or III) of the Borigonian jujutre.

The character will get to know the other eight soldiers in their tre and their tre leader.

Here are the skills learned by this term of service: Spear (b) (MA), Shield (b) (MA), Marching (b) (MA), Plains Survival (b) (MA), Sword (b) (MA), Light Armor (b) (PF).

Equipment: Gain 1 infantry uniform, leather armor, and 1 sword.

Salary: 2 Bone coins per day.

Cost: 5 HP for the first term, 4 HP per term after that.

Time Cost: 3 weeks.

Exits from the dris (must choose one): Dris, Wentar, Ciridris, Shondris, Tre Leader, Military Action, retire from service.

Plains Survival: The ability to live off the land in the plains.
Borigonian Military Sword: The ability to strike and parry with the sword. A 1 meter long straight-bladed, double-edged sword that does heavy damage. A black steel bladed-sword adds a 10-point magical attack.
Light Armor: The ability to wear armor, classified as light (weighing less than 10% of the character's body weight), without physical detriment.

Docil (Sircorfin-Riders)

The Sircorfin are six-legged lizard-like beings who are the beasts of burden for the nation of Borigon.

You must have been through basic training to enter this profession (this reduces the cost by one).

Upon choosing docil the character is assigned to one of three docil tre (1-3) within one of three docil kutre (1-3) within one of three docil jutre (A, B, or C) in the docil kujutre (IV) of the Borigonian jujutre.

The character will get to know the other eight soldiers in their tre, their tre leader, and all ten of their Sircorfin (the riding beast of the Borigonian).

Skills: Spear (b) (MA), Shield (b) (MA), Sircorfin Riding (b) (PF), Mounted Combat (d) (MA), Sword (b) (MA), Sircorfin Care (b) (IN), Light Armor (b) (PF).

Equipment: Docil uniform, sword, riding gear, leather armor, and a Sircorfin.

Salary: 2 Bone Coins per day.

Time Cost: 1 Season.

HP Cost: 6 HP for the first term, 4 per term after that.

Exits (must choose one): Docil, Shondocil, Tre Leader, Military Action, retire from service.

Sircorfin Riding: The Sircorfin is a ferocious, six-legged lizard-like creature used by the Borigonians as a riding beast. This skill allows a character to ride one.
Mounted Combat: The ability to fight while riding a Sircorfin.
Sircorfin Care: the ability to provide for the needs of a Sircorfin.

Garrison Duty

This consititutes actual experience straight out of basic training. This costs 1 HP and is a 1 point preadventure. Exits from garrison duty (must choose one): Garrison Duty, Dris, or Docil.

Wentar (Foot Archers)

You must have been through Dris training to enter this profession (this reduces the cost by one).

Upon choosing wentar the character is assigned to one of three wentar tre (1-3) within one of three wentar kutre (1-3) within one of three wentar jutre (A-C) in the wentar kujutre of the Borigonian jujutre.

The character will get to know the other eight soldiers in their tre, and their tre leader.

Skills: Borigonian Bow (b) (MA), Rapid Fire (d) (MA), Observation (d) (IN or IU).

Equipment: Wentar uniform, 1 Borigonian bow, 20 arrows.

Time Cost: 1 Season and 3 weeks.

Salary: 3 Bone Coins per day.

HP Cost: 7 HP for the first term, 6 HP for each term after that.

Exits: Wentar, Wentar Tre Leader, Military Action, retire from service.

Borigonian Bow: The ability to use a Borigonian Bow to attack with arrows. This is a long-ranged and deadly weapon. It can be used to launch arrows 15 times each minute. Normal arrows do heavy damge out to 150 meters, and medium damage out to 300 meters. Military arrows do extreme damage out to 150 meters and heavy out to 300 meters. Black Steel arrows do the damage of a military arrow with an additional +10 magical attack.
Rapid Fire: The ability to use the Borigonian Long Bow twice as fast as normal.
Observation: The ability to notice things you are not looking for.

Ciridris (Naval Foot Soldiers)

Ciridris are foot soldiers assigned to ships for their security, or to mount amphibious invasions. You must have been through dris training to enter this profession (this reduces the cost by one).

Upon choosing ciridris the character is assigned to one of three ciridris tre (1-3) within one of three ciridris kutre (1-3) within one of three ciridris jutre (A, B, or C) in the ciridris kujutre (V) of the Borigonian jujutre.

Sometimes the ciridris serve aboard ships, sometimes they serve on land.

The character will get to know the other eight soldiers in their tre, and their tre leader.

Skills: Spear (b) (MA), Shield (b) (MA), Swimming (b) (PF), Boarding Action (d) (PF), Amphibious Action (d) (PF), Sword (b) (MA), Borigonian Bow (b) (MA).

Equipment: Ciridris uniform, Borigonian Bow, 10 arrows.

Salary: 3 Bone Coins per day.

Time Cost: 2 Seasons and 3 weeks.

HP Cost: 8 HP for the first term, 7 for each term after that.

Exits: Ciridris, Ciridris Tre Leader, Thetorall, Military Action, retire from service.

Swimming: The ability to swim.
Boarding Action: Being able to get from one ship to another while fighting.
Amphibious Action: Being able to get from a ship to the shore while fighting.

Shondris (Foot Scouts)

These are foot soldiers trained in scouting out enemy positions, ambushing enemy units with harrassing fire, and operating spies in enemy areas. You must have been through dris training to enter this profession (this reduces the cost by one).

Upon choosing shondris the character is assigned to one of three shondris tre (1-3) within one of three shondris jutre (1-3) within the of shondris jutre (A) of the Borigonian jujutre.

Skills: Spear (b) (MA), Shield (b) (MA), Marching (b) (MA), General Survival (d) (IN), Sword (b) (MA), Light Armor (b) (PF), Borigonian Bow (b) (MA), Stealth and Concealment (d) (IN or IU), Spot Hidden (d) (IN or IU), Observation (d) (IN or IU), Tracking (d) (IN or IU), Ambush (d) (IN or IU), Knowledge (Military) (d) (IN or IU), Agent Runner (d) (IN or IU).

Equipment: Gain 1 shondris uniform, Borigonian bow, 20 arrows.

Salary: 4 Bone coins per day.

Time Cost: 4 Seasons.

Cost: 16 HP for the first term, 11 HP per term after that.

Exits from the shondris (must choose one): Shondris, Thetorall, Tre Leader, Military Action, retire from service.

General Survival: The ability to live off the land anywhere.
Stealth and Concealment: The ability to avoid detection.
Spot Hidden: The ability to find what you are looking for.
Tracking: The ability to locate, follow, and identify tracks.
Ambush: The ability to plan, conduct, and detect an ambush.
Knowledge (Military): An in-depth knowledge of military matters.
Agent Runner: The ability to recuit and operate spies behind enemy lines.

Shondocil (Mounted Scout-Raiders)

You must have been through Docil training to enter this profession (this reduces the cost by one).

Upon choosing shondocil the character is assigned to one of three shondocil tre (1-3) within the shondocil kutre (1-3) within the shondocil jutre (B) of the Borigonian jujutre.

The character will get to know the other eight soldiers in their tre, their tre leader, and their Sircorfin.

Skills: Spear (b) (MA), Shield (b) (MA), Sircorfin Riding (b) (PF), Mounted Combat (d) (MA), General Survival (d) (IN), Sword (b) (MA), Sircorfin Care (b) (IN), Light Armor (b) (PF), Borigonian Bow (b) (MA), Stealth and Concealment (d) (IN or IU), Spot Hidden (d) (IN or IU), Observation (d) (IN or IU), Tracking (d) (IN or IU), Ambush (d) (IN or IU), Knowledge (Military) (d) (IN or IU), Agent Runner (d) (IN or IU).

Equipment: Gain 1 shondocil uniform, Borigonian bow, 20 arrows.

Salary: 4 Bone Coins per day.

Time Cost: 4 Seasons.

Cost: 17 HP for the first term, 12 HP per term after that.

Exits from the shondocil (must choose one): Shondocil, Tre Leader, Military Action, retire from service.

Military Action

This consititutes actual experience in military operations. This costs 4 HP and is a 4 point preadventure. Exits from military action (must choose one): Military Action, return to unit type, or leave the profession.

Thetorall (Special Assault Troops)

These are special assault troops who are assigned to the most dangerous missions. You must have been through either ciridris or shondris training prior to entering thetorall training.

Upon choosing thetorall the character is assigned to one of three thetorall tre (1-3) within one of three the thetorall kutre (1-3) within the thetorall jutre (C) of the Borigonian jujutre.

The character will get to know the other fourteen soldiers in their tre, their tre leader, and their Sircorfin.

Spear (b) (MA), Shield (b) (MA), Sircorfin Riding (b) (PF), Mounted Combat (d) (MA), General Survival (d) (IN), Sword (b) (MA), Sircorfin Care (b) (IN), Armor (b) (PF), Borigonian Bow (b) (MA), Unarmed Combat (d) (MA), Toughness (e) (PF), Stealth and Concealment (d) (IN or IU), Spot Hidden (d) (IN or IU), Observation (d) (IN or IU), Tracking (d) (IN or IU), Ambush (d) (IN or IU), Magical Senses +1 (b) (MP), Knowledge (Military) (d) (IN or IU), Agent Runner (d) (IN or IU), Specialist Ability (e).

Equipment: Gain 1 thetorall uniform, Black Steel sword, 20 Black Steel arrows, Magic Sircorfin Armor +5, Magic Helm +5, Ring of Stealth +5 (e), Ring of Spot Hidden +5 (e), Specialist Ring +5 (e).

Salary: 6 Bone Coins per day.

Cost: 35 HP for the first term, 20 HP per term after that.

Exits from the thetorall (must choose one): Thetorall, Tre Leader, Military Action, retire from service.

Time Cost: 1 year.

General Survival: The ability to live off the land.
Unarmed Combat: The ability to use the body as an effective weapon.
Toughness: The level of this skill adds to the armor of the soldier.
Magical Senses: You can sense the use of powers and the presence of higher powers.

Specialist Ability: The player chooses one specialty for their trooper:

  1. Intelligence +1 (IN): The soldier can operate a spy operation.
  2. Long-range reconnaisance +1 (IN): The soldier can operate a covert reconnaisance operation behind enemy lines.
  3. Interrogation +1 (IN): The soldier can get information out of an individual by interview.
  4. Healer (MP): The soldier can magically treat wounds and illnesses.
  5. Communications (MP): The soldier can magically communicate with others.
  6. Camouflage (MP): The soldier can magically camouflage a position.
  7. Invisibility (MP): The soldier can make a person, place, or thing invisible.
  8. Magical attack (MP): The soldier can magically damage a target.
  9. Magical defense (MP): The soldier can magically defend a target.
  10. Train locals +1 (IN): The soldier can train others.
  11. Burglary +1 (Condition): The soldier has skill in climbing walls, opening locks, clearing traps, and the like.
  12. Mountaineer +1 (Condition): The soldier can climb cliffs and mountains, and survive in mountainous terrain.
  13. Forester +1 (Condition): The soldier can operate in the forests.
  14. Assassination +1 (MA): The soldier can kill with a single attack.
  15. Transportation (MP): The soldier can magically travel to another place.

Tre Leader

You must have been a member of the type of unit you will command before you can be a tre leader. Your character becomes the leader of your tre. You will get to know the members of your tre.

Skills: Tre Leader (b), Knowledge (Military) (d) (IN), Sword (b) (MA).

Equipment: 1 tre leader's uniform.

Salary: +1 Bone Coin per day above the normal rate.

Time Cost: 1 Season.

HP Cost: 5 HP for the first term, 4 HP after that.

Exits from Tre Leader (must choose one): Tre Leader, Kutre Leader, Military Action, retire from service.

Tre Leader: The ability to lead a tre of warriors.

Kutre Leader

You must have been a tre leader for the type of unit you will command before you can be a kutre leader. Your character becomes the leader of your kutre of three tre. You will get to know the members of your six-man headquarters unit: Your second-in-command, your two bodyguards, and your three messengers.

Skills for this term are: Kutre Leader (b), Knowledge (Military) (d) (IN), Sword (b) (MA).

Equipment: Gain 1 kutre leader's uniform.

Salary: +3 Bone Coins per day.

Time cost: 3 weeks.

HP Cost: 6 HP for the first term, 5 HP after that.

Exits from Kutre Leader (must choose one): Kutre Leader, Jutre Commander, Military Action, retire from service.

Kutre Leader: The ability to lead a kutre of warriors.

Jutre Commander

Before you can become a jutre commander, you must have been a kutre leader for three terms (this reduces the cost by one). You have become the commander of the three kutre of your jutre. You will need to get to know your headquarters tre: You will pick a kutre leader to be your top advisor, there will be the HQ Tre Leader, three messengers, your company clerk, and five bodyguards.

Skills for this term are: Jutre Commander (d), Knowledge (Military) (d) (IN), Sword (b) (IN), Tactics (d) (IN).

Equipment: 1 jutre leader's uniform.

Salary +5 Bone Coins per day.

Time Cost: 1 Season.

HP Cost: 9 HP for the first term, 8 after that.

Exits from Jutre Commander (must choose one): Jutre Commander, Kujutre Commander, Military Action, retire from service.

Jutre Commanderr: The ability to lead a jutre of warriors.

Kujutre Commander

Before you can become a kujutre commander, you must have been a jutre commander for two terms (this reduces the cost by one). You are now in command of either a dris, docil, wentar, or ciridris kujutre. This kujutre will have three jutre, and a shondris or shondocil kutre. You will need to get to know your twenty-man headquarters unit: You will pick a jutre leader to be your top advisor, there will be the HQ Leader, nine messengers, your regimental staff (an operations officer, a personnel officer, a supply officer, an intelligence officer), and six bodyguards.

Skills for this term are: Kujutre Leader (d), Knowledge (Military) (d) (IN), Sword (b) (MA), Tactics (d) (IN).

Equipment: 1 kujutre leader's uniform, 1 Ring of Communication +5 (e).

Salary +7 Bone Coins per day.

Time Cost: 1 Season.

HP Cost: 12 HP for the first term, 10 HP after that.

Exits from Kujutre Commander (must choose one): Kujutre Commander, Jujutre Commander, Military Action, retire from service.

Kujutre Commanderr: The ability to lead a kujutre of warriors.
Tactics: The ability to know how to fight a battle.

Jujutre Commander

You must have been a kujutre commander for three terms before you can become a jujutre commander; there must also be a jujutre available for you to command. A jujutre has three kujutre of the type of jujutre (dris or docil). There will often be 1-3 other kujutre (docil and/or wentar), and the other jutre-sized units of sondris or shondocil.

Skills for this term are: Jujutre Leader (e), Knowledge (Military) (d) (IN), Sword (b) (MA), Tactics (d) (IN), Strategy (e) (IN).

Equipment: 1 jujutre leader's uniform.

Salary +9 Bone Coins per day.

Time Cost: 1 year.

HP Cost: 16 HP for the first term, 15 after that.

Exits from Jujutre Commander (must choose one): Jujutre Commander, Military Action, retire from service.

Jujutre Commanderr: The ability to lead a jujutre of warriors.
Strategy: The ability to know how to fight a war.

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