The Nations of The World of Borigon


This chapter is intended to provide the GM with the necessary information to run the game. After a brief overview of the nations I will use the Nation of Borigon as an example of nation-building.

The Nation of Borigon

This nation has been in existence for over 3200 years. Built around tribes it has grown into a kingdom led by a shaman-queen named Rihallar. It is recovering from a civil war where Rihallar wrested control of the land from her father, a despot named Angtheor who enslaved the people. Following the faith of the Ancestor God, Rihallar has rebuilt the shaman into a ruler of the land and a protector of its people. The nation has extensively developed their military, their religion, and their resources. Look for a future supplement detailing this nation.

The Coastal Clan

This clan has been in existence for over 1200 years. They have ascended to familial holdings and villages along the northern coastline in the southestern quadrant. They know all of the seas of the eastern half of the world and trade in sea food and coastal transport. The Borigonians of this clan tend to have dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair.

The Mountain Clan

This clan has existed for over 3000 years. They have built their mountain steads into villages as much below ground as above. They have learned the secrets of the mountains and the cold. They have learned to control the Zeesirric, mountain spirits who are master craftsmen. Because of this their wares are second to none in terms of quality.

The Western Clan

This clan has existed for more than 3000 years. They have built a clan based on cruelty and subjugation of the tribes they encounter. They have learned the ways of the mountains, plains, and the river. They have made dark pacts with demonic powers. They are the subject of The Child Slayers.

The Arric Nation

This nation has existed for over 2000 years. They have built a nation based on military rigor and discipline. They have not only learned to survive and thrive in their arctic environment; they have developed the finest light infantry force in the world. Their priests serve the gods of air and water. They have mastered the creation of structures of ice.

The Derish of Bunmial

This nation is more than 14000 years old. This nation focuses on the pursuit and mastery of magic. They have mastered every form of low and spirit magic, and have even developed the four examples of high magic found in the Power-Building rules. Not surprisingly they worship the God of Magic. Their land is located in the highest peaks where the mountain ranges meet.

The Nation of the Drubrandall

This is the oldest nation in the world, being over 80000 years old. This nation is built entirely on scholarship and its protection. They have explored every part of this world, the islands, the seas, the Sea of Chaos and numerous nearby planes of existence. Espionage and counterespionage are practiced extensively. They have developed a large and advanced technology based on magical interlinked living computers. Not only do they have the swampy lands they developed in, they have developed vast virtual magical realms that exist within their computers.

The Hunting Ground of the Drusirric

The Hunting Ground is over 1200 years old. This nation has been created around the development of psychic warriors and hunters. They have only developed the crudest technology, most of what they want or need they use their mind powers to get. Their land is within a fetid tropical swamp.

The Dark Kingdom of the Estsirric

This nation has existed for over 3000 years. This nation is built around the service to the evil god J'Kin. A caste system has been developed; Ykurar - the craftsmen, Thezakar - warriors, Mialanra - wizards, and Cor-J'kin - priests. They have developed large glassy sun screens and shadow magics to keep the light from harming them, they have also built extensively underground. They have mastered the desert in which they developed their land.

Qandarric Consortium

The Consortium has been in existence for over 1800 years. The consortium is built around a dozen large merchant houses. They have developed an extensive system of material wealth based upon personal collections and trade. Their forested lands harbor the natural resources that provide their wealth.

The Warrens of the Hussirric

The Warrens have been in existence for over 3000 years. This nation has built itself around warfare. They are so psychic that their nation knows no internal strife. They have the finest heavy soldiers in the world. They enjoy the marshy lands they call home.

The Kingdom of the Faerpencorfin

The kingdom has been in existence for over 1800 years. Their nation is built on the traditions of the individual warrior. They are stringent adherents to the idea of personal honor in warfare. Their weapons are well suited to the icy peaks where they make their villages.

Jangen Darick

The Darick has been around for 600 years. They have dedicated themselves to fighting the forces of chaos that eat away at the root of the world. The Darick exists mostly below ground.

The Meliasirric Lands

This nation has been around for more than 1200 years. They have built their nation around the eldest scholar in the tribe. They have developed a rigid hierarchical structure of scholars.

The Meliasirric Island

This island nation has existed for more than 900 years. This nation grew up around rebel scholars who fled their traditional lands. Rather than a rigid hierarchy they have a democracy where all citizens get to vote once per year on major issues. There are weekly forums on all kinds of scholarly pursuits and there is a great sense of freedom.

The Jungle Kingdom of The Rihara

This nation has been in existence for more than 900 years. This kingdom is ruled by psychics and they have developed five castes: Those Who Make are psychics who haved honed their telekinetic abilities to a precision to use it in place of physical tools, Those Who Learn are psychics who have developed their sensory and ESP abilities to gain knowledge and to perform research into psychic powers, Those Who Watch are psychics who have developed extensive abilities to warn of approaching danger, Those Who Protect have developed abilities as psychic warriors, and Those Who Lead have learned the arts of knowing what to do when the situation warrants it.

The Development of the Nation of Borigon

The lifespan of a Borigonian is around 120 years (on average), thus we will choose a cycle length of about five times that, or 600 years. Looking at the Borigonian we also see that the initial population of them is 17,241. Of that we decide that the inital population of the nation of Borigon is 3,800. The cycle length generates 6 NP. Borigon, in its present state, has just suffered a civil war where the current ruler, Queen Rihallar has taken control away from her despotic father Angtheor. This is the beginning of the Age of the Clan Wars. The Age of Tribes has just ended, so there are a total of nine development cycles.

We begin with the Birth Phase of the Age of Tribes. Since we have 6 NP and we add 10 for the cycle, there is a total of 16 NP to start. The first step is to purchase the initial national attributes and justify their purchase. All but three of the attributes will be at a level of 1. There is no cultural interest or acceptance of psychic powers so PS will remain at 0. There is an emphasis on government, military development, magical powers, and religion; thus GV, ML, MM, and RL will all be at 2. We have: CA: 1, CM: 1, GV: 2, ID: 1, ML: 2, MM: 2, PS: 0, RL: 2, ST: 1, TI: 1. This costs 13 NP leaving 3.

The next step is to purchase the initial habitation form. This form is chosen to be tribal groups of up to 45 Borigonians. This costs 1 NP, leaving 2. There are thus 84 tribes. Most of these tribes get along, with a few exceptions. The tribes are: Adherien (known to be social organizers), Alherien (known to be armorers), Anak (known to be expert advisors), Anherien (know to be herders of Sircorfin), Aresh (known as heroes and warriors), Arherien (known to be outcast for burning captives alive), Breherien (known to be farmers), Bunherien (known for their dark skin), Corherien (known as traders), Dolog (known as beast-master magicians), Earherien (known for their heavy infantry), Euhharien (known for their Sircorfin raising), Geherien (known as farmers), Gapherien (known for their assassins), Hadherien (known for their potion makers), Herandar (known for their animal trainers), Herangap (known to be expert hunters), Herari (known to be builders), Herawth (this tribe is the source of the royal line), Herbune (this is an ancient tribe that is known for their priests of the God Dramaga - god of fire and purification), Herchortar (Known for its swordsmen), Herdacilir (know for its fishermen), Hercirick (named after a hero who united several tribes for the first king), Herdellbor (known for its fishermen), Herdocil (known for its Sircorfin riders), Herdomial (known for its spirit walkers-a special kind of shaman), Herdohawar (known for its shaman), Herdowold (known for its scholars), Herdris (known for its foot soldiers), Herdulu (known for its warriors), Hereatefar (known for its midwives and physicians), Herennak (known for its scholars), Herennor (known for its thief-takers and jailers), Hererlaikar (known to be haunted), Heresten (this tribe is declared to be outlaws), Herfoth (known for its foresters), Herhawar (known for its physicians), Herherien (the oldest tribe and known for its road-builders and map-makers), Herkail (religious purists who worship the Ancestor God), Herkoldi (known for its shaman), Herkalnwe (known for its mountaineers), Herkuln (known for its philosophers), Herkum (known for its shaman), Hermimora (known for its merchants), Herrockerald (known for its scholars), Hershunak (known for its builders), Hershondari (known for its guardians), Hershur (known for its soldiers who are particularly adept defenders), Herskindar (known for its tinkers), Hersmenar (known for its scholars), Hersorrol (known for its fisherman), Herteral (known for its warriors), Heryushuar (known for its crafters), Hertzuh (known for its miners), Herwentar (known for its bow makers), Imidherien (outlawed for practicing blood sacrifices to evil spirits, the home of Buvendall the outlawed wizard), Karherien (know for its trappers), Khaherien (considered by most to be criminals), Leherien (feared for banditry), Lenherien (outlawed for cannibalism), Lorherien (known for its astrologers), Melherien (known for its foresters), Miaharien (cursed by the evil god J'Kin), Mialherien (known for its magicians who practice fetish magic), Minherien (known for its Chagalar wine-makers), Mipherien (evil magicians who practice the teachings of the outlawed wizard Elengee), Mogherien (feared for their domineering warriors), Narherien (known as lake-dwellers), Orcherien (known for its leaders), Olherien (known for its border guards), Ouherien (known for its musicians), Penherien (known to be militarists), Randin (known for its harpists), Ranherien (known for its shaman), Rolherien (known for its weavers), Rukherien (known for its borderers), Shemherien (known for its Kardewad brewers), Shuherien (known to be builders), Shonherien (known to be shaman), Smedocil (known for its mounted scouts), Terherien (known for its magicians who practice elemental spirit magic), Togherien (known for its animal-paint magicians), Torherien (known for its warriors), and Venherien (known for its gardeners). This automatically results in the asset Feudal (GV) (b).

The next step is to invent a story of how Borigon got started. Abrienar, the first king united most of the tribes into a nation under his control, with each tribe having autonomy over its area.

The next step is to specify what national path Borigon takes during its youth. It is decided that the first path will be warlike. Under CA the projects will be Scribes to duplicate written orders of the military, and teachers of military doctrine and training. Under CM a monthly bazaar is developed to promote exchange of weapons and armor, and craftsmen to produce the weapons and armor. Under GV a system of customs and taboos for the military is developed and the Orcherien tribe create the profession Theor as a military leader. Under ID tools and herds of Sircorfin are developed (we can do this as we will be gaining Sircorfin as a natural resource). Under ML the nation develops weapons and the profession Militia. Under MM there are individual magicians and the low magic power totem ritual magic. Under RL there are the Ancestor God is found. Under ST they have developed logic and scholarship to assist in their military planning. Under TI they have developed hand carts and trails. For conditions there is a population increase of 2. We modify this roll by GV and ML for a total of 4. The roll is a 2, so the population increases by 200. For resources there is spring water (b) and herds of Sircorfin (the six-legged lizards that will become a beast of burden) (b).

We decide to roll on the random events table to finish the cycle. The roll is a 7, since there are no other nations they are aware of, this is a null result.

We continue with the Youth Phase of the Age of Tribes. We get 6 NP for the cycle length and we add 20 for the cycle, there is a total of 26 NP. The first step is to purchase additional national attributes and justify their purchase. Since there is an emphasis on government, military development, magical powers, and religion the GV, ML, MM, and RL will be increased by 1 each. This costs 20 NP; there is not enough, so we spend 12 this time, leaving 14, and we will spend 8 more in the next cycle. It will take 13 NP to claim the land, we hold this out for the end, so there is a total of 1 NP to spend.

If we divide the population by the 84 tribes we get an average population of 47 per tribe. There is no change in the habitation form.

There are 40 IP to be distributed. We need 10 IP for food production. We have 8 facilities requiring 8 IP, for a total of 18 IP required. We also have 2 natural resources for 2 IP, for a total of 20 IP required. We also have 9 projects for 10 IP, for a total of 30 IP required. There are 10 IP left over. We decide that there will be an army of militia, and we expend 9 IP to develop an army of 900 (a fraction more than 10 per tribe). This leaves 1 IP idle.

With the 1 NP we perform another warlike path. Under CA the project will be wooden structures; these are added to the dugouts and consist of sturdy structures with large open windows to allow for air circulation; there are large slatted shutters that can be closed in times of storms or warfare. Under CM the bazaar is made weekly. Under GV a system of customs and taboos become laws. Under ID the profession of hunter is developed. Under ML the nation develops the profession Guardian. Under MM the low magic profession Carmiallan Wizard is developed. Under RL the religious profession Shaman is developed. Under ST they have improved scholarship to assist in their military planning. Under TI they have developed Sircorfin-drawn carts. For conditions there is a population increase of 1. We modify this roll by GV and ML for a total of 3. The roll is a 7, so the population does not increase. For resources there is wood (b).

We decide to roll on the random events table again. The roll is a 7 again, as before this is a null result.

We move on to the Development Phase of the Age of Tribes. Again we have 6 NP and we add 20 for the cycle, there is a total of 26 NP. We will not be increasing attributes at this time. We will be spending 8 NP on claiming the land, so we have 18 NP available.

Since the population has not increased, there is no change in habitat (other than that wood structures now predominate over sod huts).

We use the 18 NP to perform another warlike path. Under CA we improve teachers and structures, a calendar of four seasons of 100 days each to aid in defense planning is invented, libraries are developed where stories of battles and prowess at arms are collected, schools are invented to teach combat skills, martial forms become an artform, standards of military behavior are developed, and they develop their language and writing. Under CM the bazaar is made daily, appraisal and bargaining are developed to get the best deal on supplies, craftsmen are improved, Sircorfin bone coins are developed, trade shops are built, and the profession Trader is developed. Under GV feudal, laws, and the profession Theor are all improved, government buildings are developed, a system of codes are invented to protect military secrets, police are developed out of the militia, and the profession Police is created. Under ID the Sircorfin herds, tools, and profession Hunter are improved, techniques of agriculture are developed, and the profession Farmer is invented. Under ML the nation improves the Guardian, Militia, and weapons, armor is invented, organized fortifications are built, ten-troop squads are developed, the study of tactics becomes common, the professions: Tomb Guardian, Warrior, Aresh Warrior, Earherien Heavy Infantry, Herchortar Swordsman, Herdocil Lancer, Herdris Spear Trooper, Herfoth Forest Guardian, Herkalnwe Mountain Trooper, Hershondari Guardian, and the Hershur Defender. Under MM individual magicians, totem rituals, and the Carmiallan Wizard are improved, the low magic powers: Animal Paint Magic, Beast Mastery, Fetish Magic, Imagination, Interpret Chart, Potion Making, Power, Ritual of Prophecy, Sense Magic, and Zodiacal Ritual are invented, the spirit magic of elementals is discovered, and public acceptance of magic is fostered. Under RL the shaman is improved as is the link to the Ancestor God, individual clergy emerge, totem spirits become more familiar, elementals become known, the powers of faith and prayer become known, the worship of Dramaga is founded, and shrines and temples to the gods are erected, the sacred place Temple Hill is located, and the Priest of Dramaga is created. Under ST they have improve logic and scholarship, they invent mathematics and the scientific method. Under TI animal-drawn carts, hand carts, and trails are improved, they develop boats and bridges, the Sircorfin becomes a riding animal, and they convert some trails into roads. For conditions there is a population increase of 11. We modify this roll by GV and ML for a total of 15. The roll is a 5, so the population increases by 1,000. For resources there is is wood (d), water (e), Kardewad (a potato-like tuber) (e), the development of copper (b), and the development of silver (b), Mincrebar (a hearty grain) (e), and Shokuz (a soft green vegetable) (e), and Chagalar (a red fruit) (d).

The nation has spent enough NP to claim its land.

There will be no random roll this time.

We move on to the Mature Phase of the Age of Tribes. With the normal 6 NP we gain another 30 due to the cycle for a total of 36.

With a population of 5000 the average tribe now has 59 members. We spend 1 NP on improving the national form to tribal holdings, leaving 35. Each holding, called a stead, has a bazaar where visitors can come and trade for goods and services, farm fields and Sircorfin pens, a carter, various crafters, a fortified wall, a central meeting building where records are kept and the tribal lords (Theors) sit in judgement according to the laws of the land, a library, a school, a shrine or temple, and a military encampment. We also acquire the military profession Herteral Warrior.

Looking at the population, we have 50 IP. We need 13 for food production, less 1 per level of Farmers and Hunters (the total for this is 9), so we need only spend 4 IP on food. We have 30 facilities for 31 IP, this is a total of 35 IP spent, leaving 15. We can see there is a problem; we will fall well short of the IP we need to have to support all of the projects and natural resources. There are 53 projects requiring 59 IP, this gives us a shortfall of 44 IP! We must spend the entire 35 NP to get a population increase of 17. We modify this with GV and ML for a total of 21. The d10 roll is a 9, the result is 12. The population increases by 1,200. The shortfall is still 32.

Many people are content, but there are huge problems being kept from the average citizen. Despite these problems a great achievement is made atop Temple Hill; a place of totem spirits is constructed to act as a sort of magical library. This place is the Hall of Walls and is constructed of stone wall sections where text and pictures are displayed by spirits. Most can gain knowledge, some can learn new skills, and it is rumored that the most powerful can gain powers and can manipulate the structure of the world itself, though no one knows for sure.

Again no random roll will be made.

We move on to the Golden Age of the Age of Tribes. With the normal 6 NP we gain another 40 due to the cycle for a total of 46.

With a population of 6200 the average tribe now has 73 members. The form of the nation does not change.

With a population of 6200 we have 62 IP. With the hunters and farmers we need 6 IP for food, leaving 54 IP. We have 31 facilities for 33 IP, this leaves 21. There are still 53 projects requiring 59 IP, we are still 38 short. We use all 46 NP to get a population increase of 19. We modify with Laws and Shaman for a total of 27. The d10 roll is 9 again, the result is 18. The population increases by 1,800 and we are still 20 IP short.

Despite the problems another great achievement is completed; this time it is the Circle of Wisdom, a set of standing stones near the Hall of Walls. This is a place where it is easier to perform mystical workings.

We move on to the Old Age of the Age of Tribes. Now we have 6 NP and another 20 due to the cycle, so there is a total of 26 NP.

With a population of 8000 the average tribe now has 95 members. We spend 2 NP to develop tribal villages out the steads. We also gain platoons and improve squads.

With a population of 8000 we now have 80 IP. We need 11 IP for food, leaving 69. We have 33 facilities for 36 IP, leaving 33. There are still 53 projects requiring 59 IP, we are still 26 short. Ther remaining 24 NP are spent on a population increase of 13, modified with Shaman and Laws we have a level of 23. The roll is a 5, resulting in a 1,800 population increase.

We now need to lose 1d10 of NP for assets. The roll is a 6, we need to reduce national assets by enough to get 6 NP. We get 2 NP worth by saying the springs dry up and the basic water resource and the basic wood resources have been exhausted. Behavior of the populace begins to show in a loosening of standards and rules, so laws, customs, and police are all reduced by 1.

We move on to the Twilight of the Age of Tribes. Because we get 10 NP there is a total of 16 NP available. The town of Ranam-Borigon is founded with a population of 1,800. Schools of magic are invented and boats are improved. Greed becomes normal.

With a population of 9800 we now have 98 IP. We need 16 IP for food, leaving 82. We have 34 facilities for 38 IP, leaving 44. There are still 53 projects requiring 59 IP, we are still 6 short. We use all 13 remaining NP to get a population increase of 9, modifying with laws and Shaman we get a total of 16. The roll is 7 resulting in a population increase of 900.

We choose not to use the random events table.

We roll 2d10 and lose 11 NP. The following are reduced by 1: Agriculture, Bazaar, Bridges, Codes and Cyphers, Feudal, Herds of Sircorfin, Laws, Mathematics, and Scholarship.

We finish with the Birth Phase of the Age of the Clan Wars. Once again we have 26 NP. We will be spending 6 NP on adventures for the nation.

The population of Ranam-Borigon grows to 2,700.

With a total population of 10,700 we have 108 IP. We need 18 IP for food production, leaving 90 IP. We have 34 facilities for 38 IP, leaving 52 IP. There are still 53 projects requiring 59 IP, we are still 6 short. This time we spend only 5 NP on a population increase, we modify with laws and Shaman for a total of 13. The roll is a 3 so the result is a 10, and increase of 1,000. After the projects, this leaves us with 4 remaining. We have 9 natural resources that require a total of 19 IP, again we have a shortfall, this time of 15. We do another population increase, this time we spend 13 to get a population increase of 9, modified by Shaman and Hunters for a total of 18. We roll a 3 which gives us a population increase of 1,500; which is exactly what we need. We have 4 left over.

We decide upon a warlike path again. Under CA they improve structures, teachers, and schools. Under CM the bazaar is restored and improved while new currency is developed (the copper, the silver, the gold, and the Rihallar). Under GV Codes and Cyphers, Laws, and Feudal are restored. Under ID Agriculture and Sircorfin Herds are restored, and Factories are produced. Under ML the Rukherien Borderer, Smedocil Mounted Scouts, and companies are developed. Under MM there is a the discovery of a magical resource known as Black Steel (+10 bonus for any item), and the professions Lonain Wizard, Ardahad Magician, and the Shegorn Magician. Under RL the evil god D'Mondi is discovered, along with his spirits, the tree demons, and Rihallar is born as a great hero. Under ST Mathematics is restored and Military Science is invented. Under TI bridges are restored, boats are improved, and coastal ships are developed. For natural resources Sircorfin and water are improved. For conditions, another population increase is attempted at 4, modified as before we have 13. The roll is a 5, the result is an increase of 800.

The first national adventure was the civil war against Angtheor that brought Queen Rihallar into power. The second is a border war with the Hersorrol clan, the first of the clan wars. This brings us up to date.

The Current State of the Nation of Borigon

Youth Phase of The Age of the Clan Wars.

Population: 13,000

CA: 1, CM: 1, GV: 2, ID: 1, ML: 2, MM: 2, PS: 0, RL: 2, ST: 1, TI: 1.

Great Achievements: The Hall of Walls, Circle of Wisdom
Basic Assets:
  1. A Great Hero - Rihallar 2 (RL)
  2. Agriculture 3 (ID)
  3. Animal-Drawn Carts 4 (TI)
  4. Appraisal 2 (CM)
  5. Armor 2 (ML)
  6. Artform (Martial Arts) 3 (CA)
  7. Bargaining 2 (CM)
  8. Bazaar 5* (CM)
  9. Boats 4 (TI)
  10. Bridges 3 (TI)
  11. Calendar 1 (CA)
  12. Craftsmen 4 (CM)
  13. Currency 5 (CM)
  14. Customs and Taboos 1 (GV)
  15. Feudal 4 (GV)
  16. Fortifications 2 (ML)
  17. Government Buildings 3 (GV)
  18. Greed 1 (Condition)
  19. Hand Carts 2 (TI)
  20. Herds of Sircorfin 3 (ID)
  21. Individual Clergy 2 (RL)
  22. Individual Magicians 3 (MM)
  23. Language 1 (CA)
  24. Laws 3 (GV)
  25. Libraries 2 (CA)
  26. Logic 4 (ST)
  27. Low Magic Power - Animal Paint Magic 2 (MM)
  28. Low Magic Power - Beast Mastery 2 (MM)
  29. Low Magic Power - Fetish Magic 2 (MM)
  30. Low Magic Power - Imagination 2 (MM)
  31. Low Magic Power - Interpret Chart 2 (MM)
  32. Low Magic Power - Potion Making 2 (MM)
  33. Low Magic Power - Power 2 (MM)
  34. Low Magic Power - Ritual of Prophecy 2 (MM)
  35. Low Magic Power - Sense Magic 2 (MM)
  36. Low Magic Power: Totem Rituals 3 (MM)
  37. Low Magic Power - Zodiacal Ritual 2 (MM)
  38. Magical Resource - Black Steel 2 (MM)
  39. Natural Resource - Copper 1
  40. Natural Resource - Silver 1
  41. Natural Resource: Sircorfin Herds 2
  42. New Spirits - Elementals 2 (RL)
  43. New Spirits - Totems 2 (RL)
  44. New Spirits - Tree Demons 2 (RL)
  45. Platoons 2 (ML)
  46. Profession - Low Magic: Ardahad Magician 2 (MM)
  47. Profession - Low Magic: Carmiallan Wizard 3 (MM)
  48. Profession - Mundane: Aresh Warrior 2 (ML)
  49. Profession - Mundane: Earherien Heavy Infantry
  50. Profession - Mundane: Farmer 4 (ID)
  51. Profession - Mundane: Guardian 3 (ML)
  52. Profession - Mundane: Herchortar Swordsman 2 (ML)
  53. Profession - Mundane: Herdocil Lancer 2 (ML)
  54. Profession - Mundane: Herdris Spear Trooper 2 (ML)
  55. Profession - Mundane: Herfoth Forest Guardian 2 (ML)
  56. Profession - Mundane: Herkalnwe Mountain Trooper 2 (ML)
  57. Profession - Mundane: Hershondari Guardian 2 (ML)
  58. Profession - Mundane: Hershur Defender 2 (ML)
  59. Profession - Mundane: Herteral Warrior 2 (ML)
  60. Profession - Mundane: Melherien Forester 2 (ML)
  61. Profession - Mundane: Hunter 5 (ID)
  62. Profession - Mundane: Militia 3 (ML)
  63. Profession - Mundane: Olherien Border Guardian 2 (ML)
  64. Profession - Mundane: Police 3 (GV)
  65. Profession - Mundane: Rukherien Borderer 2 (ML)
  66. Profession - Mundane: Smedocil Mounted Scouts 2 (ML)
  67. Profession - Mundane: Theor 4 (GV)
  68. Profession - Mundane: Trader 3 (CM)
  69. Profession - Mundane: Warrior 2 (ML)
  70. Profession - Religious Magic: Priest of Dramaga 2 (RL)
  71. Profession - Religious Magic: Shaman 4 (RL)
  72. Profession - Religious Magic: Tomb Guardian 2 (ML)
  73. Public Acceptance of Magic 2 (MM)
  74. Religious Power - Faith 2 (RL)
  75. Religious Power - Prayer 2 (RL)
  76. Riding Beast - Sircorfin 3 (TI)
  77. Roads 3 (TI)
  78. Sacred Place - Temple Hill 2 (RL)
  79. Scholarship 4 (ST)
  80. Schools 4 (CA)
  81. Scientific Method 4 (ST)
  82. Scribes 1 (CA)
  83. Shrine to the Ancestor God 4 (RL)
  84. Shrine to Dramaga 4 (RL)
  85. Squads 3 (ML)
  86. Structures 5 (CA)
  87. Tactics 2 (ML)
  88. Teachers 4 (CA)
  89. Temple to the Ancestor God 4 (RL)
  90. Temple to Dramaga 4 (RL)
  91. Tools 5 (ID)
  92. Trade Shops 2 (CM)
  93. Trails 3 (TI)
  94. Weapons 3 (ML)
  95. Writing 1 (CA)
Difficult Assets:
  1. Coastal Ships 1 (TI)
  2. Codes and Cyphers 3 (GV)
  3. Companies 2 (ML)
  4. Factories 1 (ID)
  5. Mathematics 4 (ST)
  6. Military Science 1 (ST)
  7. Natural Resource - Chagalar 1
  8. Natural Resource - Wood 1
  9. New God: Ancestor God 3 (RL)
  10. New God: D'Mondi 2 (RL)
  11. New God: Dramaga 2 (RL)
  12. Police 2 (GV)
  13. Profession - Spirit Magic: Lonain Wizard 2 (MM)
  14. Spirit Magic - Elemental Ritual 2 (MM)
  15. Standards of Behavior 1 (CA)
Extreme Assets:
  1. Circle of Wisdom 1 (RL)
  2. Hall of Walls 1 (RL)
  3. Natural Resource - Kardewad 1
  4. Natural Resource - Mincrebar 1
  5. Natural Resource - Shokuz 1
  6. Natural Resource - Water 2
  7. Profession - High Magic: Shegorn Magician 2 (MM)